Mamastories with Vero Baez

Who Veronica Baez (30)

Mom of… Natalia Sofia & Alessandra Valentina (3)

In love with… Paul van Urk (35)

Work Eigenaar modelabel Vantee Label

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It was a big surprise when Veronica found out she was pregnant. Especially when it turned out that they were twins. It is sometimes challenging, but luckily it is quite relaxed most of the time. Her secret: go with the flow. Vero about motherhood and everything that comes with it.

The most special thing about motherhood

“My daughters have given me a completely new outlook on life and changed the meaning of the word love for me forever. Even though it is sometimes a challenge to raise the twins far away from my "tribe"; my mother and all the women in Mexico that I left years ago for love here in the Netherlands. At the same time, I get so much in return that I wouldn't want to change anything. ”

What I did not expect ...

“My pregnancy! It came as a big surprise anyway but even more when it turned out that I was expecting twins. We actually wanted to make it a big surprise for family and friends but soon I had such a big belly that we could no longer keep it to ourselves. Everyone was in shock and a lot of people felt a bit sorry for me too, haha! ”

To be proud of…

“How much I have already achieved with the twins. It was a big step for me to move to the other side of the world for love five years ago. Being pregnant and raising two children without having my family around can be challenging. That's why I'm double proud of how we all do it together and how much I've already learned from the twins. It really feels like we are a team together. As a result, I never feel alone. ”

Veronica with her girls Alessandra & Natalia

"My daughters give me a completely new outlook on life"

The story behind Natalia & Alessandra

“Natalia was the name of my favorite doll, and I always said I wanted to name my first daughter after that favorite doll. I heard the name Alessandra once in Italy, and it immediately gave me a feeling of love and passion. Very special. The names are also perfect for pronouncing in different languages. ”

Best of both worlds

“One of the most important things in my culture is family: you do everything for your family and they do everything for you. I think that is very important to pass on to my girls. That, together with the feeling of freedom, having the opportunity to be independent at a young age and to create your own world: things that I admire from the Dutch culture. A nice mix together. ”

As a mother I am ...

“Quite relaxed, if I say so myself. I am not too strict with schedules. Go with the flow is more my thing. Some days this is very easy and sometimes it’s not. It all depends on the mood of my girls. They also resemble each other in personalities; both are soft and at the same time very passionate. ”

Relaxation is for me ...

“One of the two days that the girls go to daycare is devoted purely to myself. That day I listen to my body and what I need. I often do yoga, watch a movie, have a siesta or go shopping. I really like those moments to myself. Whether you're a mother or not, I think that's important anyway. ”

My morning routine

“I like relaxed mornings. On those days when we don't have to get up early, the girls can lie in bed with me and we read and play together. We get out of bed around ten o'clock and start the day. Wonderful to be nice and lazy. ”

So happy with her own personalized bracelet

My week

“I actually work on my label all week long. I do most of it when they go to daycare and if something needs to be done on the other days, I try to combine it. As a result, they have attended many business meetings from the start. Sometimes that is the only way to meet, and luckily many people think it is cute. I am also lucky that the girls know very well how to behave. But in the end they are of course children, so if they want to play and there is a lot of noise involved, there is sometimes nothing else to do than change my plans and for example reschedule an appointment.''

Jewellery that I wear every day ...

“I love bracelets, always wear at least one. And when I meet up and go out to dinner, for example, I mix it with rings and necklaces. I never take off my red lucky bracelet with golden circle. I got this from my mother and it is very special to me. These kinds of red bracelets are worn a lot in Latin America, and they stand for happiness and to protect you from people who want to harm you. ”


My tip for other mothers

“My golden rule: happy mom, happy kid. So do what makes you happy when it comes to motherhood. There are so many rules telling women how to raise their children. While the most important thing is that you do what feels right for you. Also, remember that your children have come into your world, they will become accustomed to the way you live. You don't have to become a mother in a world where it's all about the kids. If you look at it the other way around, your life will be a lot easier. ”